Taylormade Premarital Classes

At Taylormade Life Resources, we believe the Word of God is true and that marriage is a covenant relationship between one man and one woman for life.  The goal of our Premarital Coaching Program is to provide scriptural, spiritual, and practical information to help singles and engaged couples prepare for marriage, build strong relationships and fulfill their God-given purpose.

God Has a Taylormade Life Just for You …

Taylormade Husband.
Taylormade Wife.
Taylormade Marriage.
Taylormade Life.

We offer a premarital coaching program with options available for dating or engaged couples in private, group, or combination private/group sessions. Each coaching option can also be customized to include Prepare-Enrich, the nation’s leading relationship inventory and skill-building program used to identify a couple’s strength and growth areas.

Taylormade Life’s premarital classes provide biblical teachings that will aid a couple in their decision-making process regarding marriage.  It is our prayer that after completing the class, each person will be firm and courageous in their choice – whatever that may be:

  • To Move Forward – “Yes, I know that I  know, you’re the one.” 
  • To Slow the Pace  “I believe it’s God’s will but we need to work some things out first.”
  • To Break Things Off – “No, I cannot marry you. It’s not God’s will for me.”

We want you to know that you know, God’s will for your relationship.