Thank you for your interest in our Taylormade Premarital Program!

Our premarital group coaching includes five sessions:

The first four sessions are in a group-style format which means that other couples will be in attendance also.  Couples initially tend to shy away from the group meetings but our post-class feedback has always been positive.  We have found that in the sharing process the couples grow, find encouragement from one another and oftentimes experience a sense of relief knowing that they’re not alone. There are actually other couples with similar backgrounds and facing  similar challenges.

The fifth sessions is a private, one-on-one meeting with each couple.  During this session, your premarital coaches are available to discuss any areas of concerns you might have.  This time is also used for reviewing  the outcomes of the Prepare-Enrich assessment to identify growth areas.

Topics of discussion include:

  • Marital Expectations
  • The Biblical Purpose for Marriage
  • How to Make the Right Decision About Marriage
  • 7 Things You Should Know About Your Fiance Before You Get Married
  • God’s Equation for Marriage (When 1+1=1)
  • Communication
  • Finances
  • Sex and Intimacy